For the last several years our Montana Synod Mission Table has provided every congregation with a packet of materials we call "Here We Are." This year's packet is full of new resources. The packet, which goes to every congregation, has resources that will give you a broader picture of the church, and the synod. We ask you to use them in your church council meeting, as a way of understanding some of the ministries of the wider church, and what your congregation's role is in it.
Many congregations wonder what happens when their offerings get sent on to the synod. The materials in the packet help to explain some of that. There is a pie chart, a booklet called "2016 Stories of Faith in Action," a history of your congregation's mission support and more. We have materials for a church council meeting, including notes on how to use them. And we have materials that can be used in the congregation, at the annual meeting, for instance, or in adult education. Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton likes to say "We are church together," and it is true. We pray for one another, help one another, cooperate with one another. And one of the ways that we are church together is through the sharing of resources. The "Here We Are" packet will help you share the bigger picture with people in your congregation. We hope you will use it and share it. And if you have suggestions for next year's packet, please let us know. We are always open to new ideas on how to share the story effectively. Look for your congregation's packet in the next few weeks. In Christ, Jessica Crist, Bishop
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Bishop Jessica Crist
Bishop of the Montana Synod of the ELCA Archives
August 2019
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