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For Boundaries Training Info:
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What Does it Mean to Follow Christ in this Election Season: Learnings from the FBI
A Workshop Facilitated by Bishop Laurie Jungling
The same class will be held two different times via Zoom:
Cost: $10 per device (and individual can attend for $10 and a congregational group in the same room can watch together for $10.)
Registration available soon.
A Workshop Facilitated by Bishop Laurie Jungling
The same class will be held two different times via Zoom:
- Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 6pm to 8:30pm.
- Thursday, Oct. 24 from 9:30am to Noon
Cost: $10 per device (and individual can attend for $10 and a congregational group in the same room can watch together for $10.)
Registration available soon.
The Passions of Christ: Driving Concerns that Determined his Life and Death
Taught by Mark Allan Powell
In 2 sessions via Zoom:
October 31st 9am to 11:30 am
November 7th 9am to 11:30 am
What was Jesus passionate about? Probably not politics as such–but his spiritual vision clearly had ethical and political implications for his world and ours. In four brief studies (presented over two mornings on Oct 31 and Nov 7), we will consider
A) driving concerns that shaped the faith of Jesus into a powerful dynamic that would survive his horrific death and ultimately make him the most influential person who has ever lived;
B) the oft-neglected relationship between his famous Beatitudes and social justice;
C) the impact that slavery as a widespread social institution may have had on Jesus’ moral vision and priorities; and,
D) the conflict Jesus himself and the Gospel authors apparently experienced regarding the question of whether biblical commandments remain applicable in contexts for which they were not originally intended. Together, the four talks will serve to highlight guiding principles for Christians struggling to be faithful to Jesus’ vision of justice and the reign of God in the 21st century.
Mark Allan Powell recently retired as Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary. He is editor of the Harper Collins Bible Dictionary and author of Introducing the New Testament. In all he has published more than 40 books on religious subjects and he has been a frequent contributor to ELCA publications, including Living Lutheran, Gather magazine, and the Lutheran Study Bible. An ecumenical and global scholar, Powell served for many years on the Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Association and he has taught at seminaries in Estonia, Russia and Tanzania.
Cost: $60
Continuing Education: 5 Hours
Click Here to Register
Holistic Emotional First Aid Training: Equipping Spiritual Caregivers to Serve
Thursday, October 17th 10 AM – 3 PM at Hope Lutheran Church in Bozeman, MT
Holistic Emotional First Aid will equip you with tools to cultivate your innate ability to become resilient, manage stress and heal in community. What this looks like in practice is learning breathing techniques, movements, and other tools to regulate the nervous system and integrate tangible changes in daily life to mitigate burnout and develop skills to grow through adversity.
Participants have said these trainings have provided stress relief, helped them build resilience skills, foster community connection and social support, and provide new perspectives on how to take care of themselves and each other. One participant stated, "All tools aside, the connection piece of all this is huge and may have the greatest impact of all."
Sponsored by Gallatin Valley Interfaith Association (GVIA), Be Well Big Sky will provide this training. The Rev. Miriam Schmidt, Pastor/Priest at All Saints in Big Sky, a shared ministry of the Episcopal and ELCA Lutheran Churches, has participated in this training and will be one of Thursday’s trainers.
Continuing Education: 4 Hours
Free but donations welcome.
To Register, email the Rev. Valerie Webster at: [email protected]
To request Continuing Ed Credits, email NRIT Dir. Jenny Kunka at: [email protected]
Thursday, October 17th 10 AM – 3 PM at Hope Lutheran Church in Bozeman, MT
Holistic Emotional First Aid will equip you with tools to cultivate your innate ability to become resilient, manage stress and heal in community. What this looks like in practice is learning breathing techniques, movements, and other tools to regulate the nervous system and integrate tangible changes in daily life to mitigate burnout and develop skills to grow through adversity.
Participants have said these trainings have provided stress relief, helped them build resilience skills, foster community connection and social support, and provide new perspectives on how to take care of themselves and each other. One participant stated, "All tools aside, the connection piece of all this is huge and may have the greatest impact of all."
Sponsored by Gallatin Valley Interfaith Association (GVIA), Be Well Big Sky will provide this training. The Rev. Miriam Schmidt, Pastor/Priest at All Saints in Big Sky, a shared ministry of the Episcopal and ELCA Lutheran Churches, has participated in this training and will be one of Thursday’s trainers.
Continuing Education: 4 Hours
Free but donations welcome.
To Register, email the Rev. Valerie Webster at: [email protected]
To request Continuing Ed Credits, email NRIT Dir. Jenny Kunka at: [email protected]
See Below for Other Recommended Educational Opportunities and
Online Classes for Pastors and Lay Leaders:
FLBC Lectionary Retreat
Nov 3 - 5, 2024 at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp, Lakeside, MT
Led by Dr. Karoline M. Lewis, Marbury E Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN.
Have you ever found yourself at the beginning of a new season of the church year and
your creative tank is empty? Prevent that from happening this year by joining Rev. Dr.
Karoline Lewis and other folks who preach in congregations in a time of learning creative
brainstorming about the upcoming year’s lectionary texts. We will explore the Advent/
Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost seasons and spend time thinking about
different themes for these seasons and creative things we could bring into our preaching
during the year.
In addition to the sessions there will be time for relaxing by the fire, spending time in
the sauna, hiking, and great food and fellowship! Come join us for some wonderful time
away with other preachers to relax, refresh, and ready yourself for a year of proclamation!
Click to register at:
Learning for Life: Online continuing education at Wartburg Seminary:
Learning for Life: Continuing Education at Luther Seminary
Boundaries - Leaderwise
We are recommending this particular training for Montana Synod pastors and LPAs who are due for boundaries training. It is offered 4 times a year, online. (Once you have completed a boundaries training, please send proof of completion to the MT Synod office.)
LeaderWise’s online boundaries training workshop is lively and interactive, full of reflection and conversation. Attendees have given us feedback that our boundaries training was a great experience, AND caused them to re-evaluate some of their own practices.
This live online boundaries training is 5 total hours split over 2 consecutive days (2.5 hours each day). Following the first session, participants are asked to engage in a bit of reflection work in preparation for the second session. This online boundaries training will be conducted via secure Zoom video conferencing. (Check the Leaderwise website for upcoming dates).
Click on the words below to be taken to the Leaderwise website. You will register directly with them.
Boundaries Training — LeaderWise
Faith + Lead Live Webcast Classes (including on-demand replay)
To learn more go to:
For Classes Offered by Leaderwise, go to:
Workshops & Programs — LeaderWise
NRIT Digital Courses
Lutheran Theology 1.0
with Dr. Laurie Jungling
Even though “theology” sounds like a scary word, it is actually something we all do every day as we explore questions about how God engages our lives. Lutheran Theology 1.0 will dig down to the roots of the basic Lutheran beliefs and understandings of God’s activity in our lives, as well as how Christ and the Spirit work in and through the Church.
We will explore central concepts of Lutheran theology like “justification by grace through faith,” “gospel and law,” the Word of God, and preaching and reading scripture through Lutheran lenses.
This will be an introduction to Lutheran theology that is designed for a general audience. There will be some reading required, most of which will be provided to you by the program.
Text: Lutheran Study Bible (Augsburg Fortress, 2009)
Optional Recommended Text: Lutheran Trump Cards by Dave Daubert
Session 1 – Intro to Lutheran Theology: Definitions and Concepts
Session 2 – Basics of Lutheran Theology: Faith of a Child
Session 3 – “Justification by Grace through Faith”: What does this mean?
Session 4 – Luther’s “Freedom of a Christian”: The Freedom Christ Gives
Session 5 – Luther’s “Freedom of a Christian”: The Freedom of Christ We Live
Session 6 – Discipleship & Vocation: Following Christ into God’s World
Session 7 – The Church, Preaching, and Engaging Scripture Lutheran Style
Session 8 – The ELCA and You: What does it mean (and not mean) to be part of the ELCA?
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
Cost: $10 (all proceeds go toward supporting the LPA (LMA) program for training lay leaders in congregations)
8 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register
with Dr. Laurie Jungling
Even though “theology” sounds like a scary word, it is actually something we all do every day as we explore questions about how God engages our lives. Lutheran Theology 1.0 will dig down to the roots of the basic Lutheran beliefs and understandings of God’s activity in our lives, as well as how Christ and the Spirit work in and through the Church.
We will explore central concepts of Lutheran theology like “justification by grace through faith,” “gospel and law,” the Word of God, and preaching and reading scripture through Lutheran lenses.
This will be an introduction to Lutheran theology that is designed for a general audience. There will be some reading required, most of which will be provided to you by the program.
Text: Lutheran Study Bible (Augsburg Fortress, 2009)
Optional Recommended Text: Lutheran Trump Cards by Dave Daubert
Session 1 – Intro to Lutheran Theology: Definitions and Concepts
Session 2 – Basics of Lutheran Theology: Faith of a Child
Session 3 – “Justification by Grace through Faith”: What does this mean?
Session 4 – Luther’s “Freedom of a Christian”: The Freedom Christ Gives
Session 5 – Luther’s “Freedom of a Christian”: The Freedom of Christ We Live
Session 6 – Discipleship & Vocation: Following Christ into God’s World
Session 7 – The Church, Preaching, and Engaging Scripture Lutheran Style
Session 8 – The ELCA and You: What does it mean (and not mean) to be part of the ELCA?
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
Cost: $10 (all proceeds go toward supporting the LPA (LMA) program for training lay leaders in congregations)
8 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register
Introduction to the Old Testament:
with Dr. Michael Chan
The Old Testament is challenging literature for Christian leaders. This course will persuade students that the Old Testament is not only a helpful companion in ministry, but that it is also invaluable. All lectures are given with preaching, teaching, and pastoral care in view. These lectures will provide crucial information on Israel's history and narratives, prophetic literature, wisdom literature, and why Scripture matters in the first place.
Class is divided into the following sections that can be watched at your convenience:
1. Course Introduction
2. Creation, Exile and Return
3. Prophetic Imagination
4. Wisdom Literature
5. Why Scripture Matters
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
Cost: $70
5 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register
with Dr. Michael Chan
The Old Testament is challenging literature for Christian leaders. This course will persuade students that the Old Testament is not only a helpful companion in ministry, but that it is also invaluable. All lectures are given with preaching, teaching, and pastoral care in view. These lectures will provide crucial information on Israel's history and narratives, prophetic literature, wisdom literature, and why Scripture matters in the first place.
Class is divided into the following sections that can be watched at your convenience:
1. Course Introduction
2. Creation, Exile and Return
3. Prophetic Imagination
4. Wisdom Literature
5. Why Scripture Matters
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
Cost: $70
5 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register
An Introduction to the New Testament
with Dr. James Aageson
The New Testament documents are central to the Christian faith and to historic Christianity. By ecumenical consensus among all Christian traditions, the New Testament is central to the faith, life, and worship of the church. It is the word of God and it conveys the word of God. Even as the New Testament is central to all Christian traditions, interpretations of these texts often vary widely. This makes for a rich and fascinating tapestry of readings in the history of New Testament interpretation. This course is an introduction to the New Testament designed for a general audience and for lay people who may be preparing themselves for congregational leadership.
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
$75 to purchase class
6.5 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register
Church Budgets 101: FREE Resource for Pastors, Treasurers and Councils
-Financial statement basics – How to read. What to look for.
-Mechanics & controls – Protecting the pastor, staff, volunteers. Avoiding scandal and suspicion.
-Presentation and communication – Celebration of God’s gifts. Abundance vs. scarcity.
Dave Scholten currently serves as the Treasurer to the Montana Synod. He is trained as an LPA and holds degrees in economics and finance. Dave runs an audit and consulting business for financial institutions throughout the western US and is noted for clear and effective communication of financial matters. “Economics impacts nearly every aspect of our life, sometimes as a daunting challenge, other times as an expression of love and joy. The stewardship (management and use) of God’s gifts is an expression of how we live out our faith. It is an outward sign of our inner priorities and attitudes.” Dave believes that a church budget should reflect our mission and how we serve God joyfully, rather than be a burden and weight we end up serving.
Click Here to Register
Church councils provide positive leadership within a congregation. As a support to your council, we have prepared five short videos, ranging from five to ten minutes, that are intended as an introduction to the work of councils and their role within the church.
Click Here to Register
On the next page, you will need to provide contact information, including an email. Then click on the "submit" button and you will be taken directly to the five videos, plus an introduction.
We hope you find the videos helpful in leading to deeper conversation about what it means to be church together.
Northern Rockies Institute of Theology is a continuing theological education ministry of the Montana Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
NRIT exists to provide and promote lifelong learning for the people of the Montana Synod (and their neighbors) , for the purpose of equipping them in their lives of ministry.
For more information about NRIT click here.
NRIT exists to provide and promote lifelong learning for the people of the Montana Synod (and their neighbors) , for the purpose of equipping them in their lives of ministry.
For more information about NRIT click here.