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For Boundaries Training Info:
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Lutheran Theology in Practice:
The Large Catechism and Case Studies on Baptism and Holy Communion
Facilitated by Pastor Megan Hoewisch
Via Zoom: Tuesday, March 18th 9:30am to 11:30am
If you run out of wine in the middle of communion, do you speak the Words of Institution over the hastily filled cups the assistant carries out? If someone brings you water from the Jordan River and wants to be baptized with that, what do you say? If a twelve-year-old asks to be baptized without her parents' permission, do you do it? And for each of these questions: why? What is the theology that informs our choices when it comes to the day-to-day details of baptisms and communion? In this class, we'll think about Luther's Large Catechism writings on Baptism and Holy Communion and what Luther might be saying to us as we wrestle with different scenarios and questions about these sacraments. After an overview of justification by faith and the Large Catechism, we'll discuss several case studies related to the sacraments. Pastors, LMAs, and anyone interested in the theology that undergirds our sacramental worship (or, why we do things the way we do) are welcome!
Pastor Megan Hoewisch has been serving in her first call as pastor of First Lutheran Church in Havre, MT for five years. Before that, she studied at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, where she met her husband Matt. In November 2024, Pastor Megan took part in the Lutheran World Federation's Seminar for Pastors in Wittenberg, Germany, and this class is a way of bringing back to Montana some of what she received. Schnitzel not included!
March 18th 9:30am to 11:30am on Zoom
$25 / 2 hours continuing education
Click Here to Register
The Large Catechism and Case Studies on Baptism and Holy Communion
Facilitated by Pastor Megan Hoewisch
Via Zoom: Tuesday, March 18th 9:30am to 11:30am
If you run out of wine in the middle of communion, do you speak the Words of Institution over the hastily filled cups the assistant carries out? If someone brings you water from the Jordan River and wants to be baptized with that, what do you say? If a twelve-year-old asks to be baptized without her parents' permission, do you do it? And for each of these questions: why? What is the theology that informs our choices when it comes to the day-to-day details of baptisms and communion? In this class, we'll think about Luther's Large Catechism writings on Baptism and Holy Communion and what Luther might be saying to us as we wrestle with different scenarios and questions about these sacraments. After an overview of justification by faith and the Large Catechism, we'll discuss several case studies related to the sacraments. Pastors, LMAs, and anyone interested in the theology that undergirds our sacramental worship (or, why we do things the way we do) are welcome!
Pastor Megan Hoewisch has been serving in her first call as pastor of First Lutheran Church in Havre, MT for five years. Before that, she studied at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, where she met her husband Matt. In November 2024, Pastor Megan took part in the Lutheran World Federation's Seminar for Pastors in Wittenberg, Germany, and this class is a way of bringing back to Montana some of what she received. Schnitzel not included!
March 18th 9:30am to 11:30am on Zoom
$25 / 2 hours continuing education
Click Here to Register
Festival of Homiletics 2025: Preaching to Heal the Divide
May 12 - 15 Atlanta
Join us in Atlanta, GA for the best preaching event of the year! Working Preacher’s Karoline Lewis says, “I don’t think there’s any place else where you are gathering for worship so frequently and hearing good sermons and good preaching and wonderful worship.
May 12 - 15 Atlanta
Join us in Atlanta, GA for the best preaching event of the year! Working Preacher’s Karoline Lewis says, “I don’t think there’s any place else where you are gathering for worship so frequently and hearing good sermons and good preaching and wonderful worship.
Interested in Interim Ministry?
Or in learning the tools that interim ministers use to assist congregations in transition? This online training is available to anyone who might benefit.
Interim Ministry Network
Click on the link below to learn more:
The Interim Ministry Network’s (IMN) core curriculum is Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry, consisting of two online classes and a small group fieldwork experience. The first step is Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry: The Work of the Leader (FTML). The second step, Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry: The Work of the Congregation (FTMC) builds on the information and experiences of FTML. The Step One, FTML, is required to be completed prior to continuing to the Step Two, FTMC training. The curriculum is designed for experiential learning throughout. Participants read content prior to class so that they are able to use the information to understand specific transition situations as found in sacred stories or in congregational case studies. Connections and conversation are a vital part of the IMN FTM training.
Or in learning the tools that interim ministers use to assist congregations in transition? This online training is available to anyone who might benefit.
Interim Ministry Network
Click on the link below to learn more:
The Interim Ministry Network’s (IMN) core curriculum is Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry, consisting of two online classes and a small group fieldwork experience. The first step is Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry: The Work of the Leader (FTML). The second step, Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry: The Work of the Congregation (FTMC) builds on the information and experiences of FTML. The Step One, FTML, is required to be completed prior to continuing to the Step Two, FTMC training. The curriculum is designed for experiential learning throughout. Participants read content prior to class so that they are able to use the information to understand specific transition situations as found in sacred stories or in congregational case studies. Connections and conversation are a vital part of the IMN FTM training.
Supportive Spaces
Confidential Support Group for Faith Leaders
These groups meet with the same people once a week for six weeks. They are designed to create a confidential and non-judgmental space for quiet, for prayer, for sharing and processing.
Supportive Spaces will be offered multiple times in the next months. Sign up for a 6 week cohort that fits your schedule.
(click on the link above to register - during registration you will be offered various dates and can choose your preferred time).
This 6 week gathering is offered free of charge.
Confidential Support Group for Faith Leaders
These groups meet with the same people once a week for six weeks. They are designed to create a confidential and non-judgmental space for quiet, for prayer, for sharing and processing.
Supportive Spaces will be offered multiple times in the next months. Sign up for a 6 week cohort that fits your schedule.
(click on the link above to register - during registration you will be offered various dates and can choose your preferred time).
This 6 week gathering is offered free of charge.
Leaderwise: Leadership Development Programs and Workshops
LeaderWise offers many leadership development programs and workshops. Many are open to the public, and you can register for those through our events listings below. We also can bring our workshops and programs to you, and we can custom-design them to meet your needs.
LeaderWise offers many leadership development programs and workshops. Many are open to the public, and you can register for those through our events listings below. We also can bring our workshops and programs to you, and we can custom-design them to meet your needs.
TLGC Learning Community
Coming in February 2025, the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod is launching The TLGC Leadership Community for curious adults (like you!) who want to: grow as disciples, use their gifts to further serve their neighbors, and learn together in community.
To learn more about this opportunity:
Coming in February 2025, the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod is launching The TLGC Leadership Community for curious adults (like you!) who want to: grow as disciples, use their gifts to further serve their neighbors, and learn together in community.
To learn more about this opportunity:
See Below for Other Recommended Educational Opportunities and
Online Classes for Pastors and Lay Leaders:

Learning for Life: Continuing Education at Luther Seminary
Visit the link below to access podcasts from Book Hub - hosting discussions with authors and thought leaders.
Boundaries - Leaderwise
We are recommending this particular training for Montana Synod pastors and LPAs who are due for boundaries training. It is offered 4 times a year, online. (Once you have completed a boundaries training, please send proof of completion to the MT Synod office.)
LeaderWise’s online boundaries training workshop is lively and interactive, full of reflection and conversation. Attendees have given us feedback that our boundaries training was a great experience, AND caused them to re-evaluate some of their own practices.
This live online boundaries training is 5 total hours split over 2 consecutive days (2.5 hours each day). Following the first session, participants are asked to engage in a bit of reflection work in preparation for the second session. This online boundaries training will be conducted via secure Zoom video conferencing. (Check the Leaderwise website for upcoming dates).
Click on the words below to be taken to the Leaderwise website. You will register directly with them.
Boundaries Training — LeaderWise
Faith + Lead Live Webcast Classes (including on-demand replay)
To learn more go to:
For Classes Offered by Leaderwise, go to:
Workshops & Programs — LeaderWise
NRIT Digital Courses

Lutheran Theology 1.0
with Dr. Laurie Jungling
Even though “theology” sounds like a scary word, it is actually something we all do every day as we explore questions about how God engages our lives. Lutheran Theology 1.0 will dig down to the roots of the basic Lutheran beliefs and understandings of God’s activity in our lives, as well as how Christ and the Spirit work in and through the Church.
We will explore central concepts of Lutheran theology like “justification by grace through faith,” “gospel and law,” the Word of God, and preaching and reading scripture through Lutheran lenses.
This will be an introduction to Lutheran theology that is designed for a general audience. There will be some reading required, most of which will be provided to you by the program.
Text: Lutheran Study Bible (Augsburg Fortress, 2009)
Optional Recommended Text: Lutheran Trump Cards by Dave Daubert
Session 1 – Intro to Lutheran Theology: Definitions and Concepts
Session 2 – Basics of Lutheran Theology: Faith of a Child
Session 3 – “Justification by Grace through Faith”: What does this mean?
Session 4 – Luther’s “Freedom of a Christian”: The Freedom Christ Gives
Session 5 – Luther’s “Freedom of a Christian”: The Freedom of Christ We Live
Session 6 – Discipleship & Vocation: Following Christ into God’s World
Session 7 – The Church, Preaching, and Engaging Scripture Lutheran Style
Session 8 – The ELCA and You: What does it mean (and not mean) to be part of the ELCA?
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
Cost: $10 for clergy for use in lay education programs.
Cost is $50 if you are taking this for the LMA program (proceeds go toward administration of the LMA program).
8 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register
with Dr. Laurie Jungling
Even though “theology” sounds like a scary word, it is actually something we all do every day as we explore questions about how God engages our lives. Lutheran Theology 1.0 will dig down to the roots of the basic Lutheran beliefs and understandings of God’s activity in our lives, as well as how Christ and the Spirit work in and through the Church.
We will explore central concepts of Lutheran theology like “justification by grace through faith,” “gospel and law,” the Word of God, and preaching and reading scripture through Lutheran lenses.
This will be an introduction to Lutheran theology that is designed for a general audience. There will be some reading required, most of which will be provided to you by the program.
Text: Lutheran Study Bible (Augsburg Fortress, 2009)
Optional Recommended Text: Lutheran Trump Cards by Dave Daubert
Session 1 – Intro to Lutheran Theology: Definitions and Concepts
Session 2 – Basics of Lutheran Theology: Faith of a Child
Session 3 – “Justification by Grace through Faith”: What does this mean?
Session 4 – Luther’s “Freedom of a Christian”: The Freedom Christ Gives
Session 5 – Luther’s “Freedom of a Christian”: The Freedom of Christ We Live
Session 6 – Discipleship & Vocation: Following Christ into God’s World
Session 7 – The Church, Preaching, and Engaging Scripture Lutheran Style
Session 8 – The ELCA and You: What does it mean (and not mean) to be part of the ELCA?
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
Cost: $10 for clergy for use in lay education programs.
Cost is $50 if you are taking this for the LMA program (proceeds go toward administration of the LMA program).
8 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register

Introduction to the Old Testament:
with Dr. Michael Chan
The Old Testament is challenging literature for Christian leaders. This course will persuade students that the Old Testament is not only a helpful companion in ministry, but that it is also invaluable. All lectures are given with preaching, teaching, and pastoral care in view. These lectures will provide crucial information on Israel's history and narratives, prophetic literature, wisdom literature, and why Scripture matters in the first place.
Class is divided into the following sections that can be watched at your convenience:
1. Course Introduction
2. Creation, Exile and Return
3. Prophetic Imagination
4. Wisdom Literature
5. Why Scripture Matters
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
Cost: $70 for clergy/ $50 for LMA and LMA candidates
5 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register
with Dr. Michael Chan
The Old Testament is challenging literature for Christian leaders. This course will persuade students that the Old Testament is not only a helpful companion in ministry, but that it is also invaluable. All lectures are given with preaching, teaching, and pastoral care in view. These lectures will provide crucial information on Israel's history and narratives, prophetic literature, wisdom literature, and why Scripture matters in the first place.
Class is divided into the following sections that can be watched at your convenience:
1. Course Introduction
2. Creation, Exile and Return
3. Prophetic Imagination
4. Wisdom Literature
5. Why Scripture Matters
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
Cost: $70 for clergy/ $50 for LMA and LMA candidates
5 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register

An Introduction to the New Testament
with Dr. James Aageson
The New Testament documents are central to the Christian faith and to historic Christianity. By ecumenical consensus among all Christian traditions, the New Testament is central to the faith, life, and worship of the church. It is the word of God and it conveys the word of God. Even as the New Testament is central to all Christian traditions, interpretations of these texts often vary widely. This makes for a rich and fascinating tapestry of readings in the history of New Testament interpretation. This course is an introduction to the New Testament designed for a general audience and for lay people who may be preparing themselves for congregational leadership.
Developed to be used both as training for LPAs and as a resource for study in your congregation. (Digital Download)
$75 clergy/ $50 LMA and LMA candidates
6.5 Contact hours of continuing education.
Click Here to Register
Church Budgets 101: FREE Resource for Pastors, Treasurers and Councils
-Financial statement basics – How to read. What to look for.
-Mechanics & controls – Protecting the pastor, staff, volunteers. Avoiding scandal and suspicion.
-Presentation and communication – Celebration of God’s gifts. Abundance vs. scarcity.
Dave Scholten currently serves as the Treasurer to the Montana Synod. He is trained as an LPA and holds degrees in economics and finance. Dave runs an audit and consulting business for financial institutions throughout the western US and is noted for clear and effective communication of financial matters. “Economics impacts nearly every aspect of our life, sometimes as a daunting challenge, other times as an expression of love and joy. The stewardship (management and use) of God’s gifts is an expression of how we live out our faith. It is an outward sign of our inner priorities and attitudes.” Dave believes that a church budget should reflect our mission and how we serve God joyfully, rather than be a burden and weight we end up serving.
Click Here to Register

Church councils provide positive leadership within a congregation. As a support to your council, we have prepared five short videos, ranging from five to ten minutes, that are intended as an introduction to the work of councils and their role within the church.
Click Here to Register
On the next page, you will need to provide contact information, including an email. Then click on the "submit" button and you will be taken directly to the five videos, plus an introduction.
We hope you find the videos helpful in leading to deeper conversation about what it means to be church together.
Northern Rockies Institute of Theology is a continuing theological education ministry of the Montana Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
NRIT exists to provide and promote lifelong learning for the people of the Montana Synod (and their neighbors) , for the purpose of equipping them in their lives of ministry.
For more information about NRIT click here.
NRIT exists to provide and promote lifelong learning for the people of the Montana Synod (and their neighbors) , for the purpose of equipping them in their lives of ministry.
For more information about NRIT click here.