Montana Synod 2025 Annual Meeting Information
Bishop Laurie's Annual Meeting Letter
ELCA Annual Report Cover
ELCA Mission Support
Download the Vision, Calling, and Values document here
NEW! 2025 Compensation Guidelines
Coaching in the Montana Synod
We believe that any individual or committee with goals to accomplish and learning to master can benefit from a coaching relationship. Coaching can release energy and creativity once goals become clear.
The core requirements are a posture of openness, willingness to reflect, and a desire to work. |
New Site for Lay Ministry Associates |
Sermon Manuscripts
Weekly sermon manuscripts provided for use by leaders around the Montana Synod for use in your congregations! Posted by Saturday at noon weekly.
Montana Synod Land Acknowledgement and Recognition of Indigenous PeoplesAs the Montana/N. Wyoming Synod, we gather and live on the Creator’s lands that have been blessed and cared for by the people and ancestors of the Appsalooke/Crow, the Northern Cheyenne, the Salish Kootenai, the Niitsitapi/Blackfeet, the Assiniboine and Nakoda, the Chippewa and Cree, the Sioux, the Aaniih, the Shoshone and the Little Shell tribes and nations. We recognize and honor the many generations across time immemorial of Indigenous peoples who have lived in holy relationship with these lands long before us and continue to live among and alongside us. In this acknowledgement, we understand this is only a first step and that as we share this world, we must learn and do more to help realize healing and justice for Indigenous peoples, nations and tribes.
Northern Rockies Institute of Theology
Theological Education offerings, both in person and digital, from the Montana Synod.
Montana Synod Changing Climate Taskforce
Holy Closure Resources
Thank you for your generous gifts to the Montana Synod!