It’s August and maybe you are thinking about your Stewardship emphasis for the fall. I went to the Luther Seminary “Rethinking Stewardship” event in late July. Since part of my job is to be able to speak about stewardship, I was glad to be able to go to think with people from around the ELCA and other denominations about stewardship and giving.
What books have you read recently about stewardship? Over the past year, I have been reading several books that I have found to be interesting and helpful. Here are a few that I would recommend:
Here are a few kernels I have gleaned recently, in no particular order:
Please contact me if you have questions or if you think that I can be helpful to you as you work on stewardship issues in your congregation or setting. Rev. Peggy Paugh Leuzinger
Rise, O ChurchResources for strengthening CongregationsRev. Peggy Paugh LeuzingerDirector for Evangelical Mission (DEM) for the Montana Synod of the ELCA Archives
March 2019
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