What Montana Synod preachers were saying about the election
The US elections of 2016 were bitter and divisive. The Church has something to say about how we move forward with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We asked preachers to share with us what they preached on the Sunday after election day. The responses came from across the Synod—from Westby to Wyoming, from Kalispell to Missoula—and lots of places in-between. We even got a sermon from one of our full-communion partners.
As Christians, we are in it for the long haul. We care deeply about our communities, we care deeply about God’s world. In our preaching, in our teaching, in our activities and priorities we remember always that God so loved the world, the whole world. Not just us. Not just people who live like us, believe like us, vote like us. All people. We are called to proclaim and live the Good News in these times.
Here is what some of our colleagues have written:
As Christians, we are in it for the long haul. We care deeply about our communities, we care deeply about God’s world. In our preaching, in our teaching, in our activities and priorities we remember always that God so loved the world, the whole world. Not just us. Not just people who live like us, believe like us, vote like us. All people. We are called to proclaim and live the Good News in these times.
Here is what some of our colleagues have written: