Synod Assembly Day 1 Summary
Synod Assembly Day 2 Summary
Synod Assembly Day 3 Summary
Support CongregationsFor you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another (Gal 5:13)
We are a resource to congregations and pastors. The Synod leadership, staff and volunteers will provide support to congregations to empower them to live out their calling as centers of mission. We will encourage and support the development of networks among clergy, lay leaders and congregations. |
The annual Assembly of the Montana Synod of the ELCA will be held June 1-3, 2018, at the Best Western Heritage Inn in Great Falls, MontanaRev. Amanda Liggett, Synod Secretary,
January 10, 2018 This year the assembly will again be in Great Falls and is a Theological Conference. The theme is our benchmark “Support Congregations.” Our Churchwide representative is the Rev. Brenda Smith, Program Director of Faith Practices and Book of Faith Initiative, who works in the area of evangelism. Our keynote is Linda Bobbitt, who works with Congregational Vitality. Deadlines are as follows: April 27, 2018: Nominations and Resolutions Deadline May 14, 2018: Registration and Hotel Deadline All materials will be sent via e-mail to rostered leaders and congregations and will also be posted on the synod’s website. One mailed packet will be sent to each congregation in early April. Check the weekly e-news or our website, for more information and deadlines. |
Bishop Crist's Sermon for use on Sunday, June 3 in your congregation
Elections Information
Pre-Registration documents were sent April 6 to each congregation and pastor with a Synod Council call. Please make photocopies of all documents for your voting members. Online registration and payment is available.
2017 Montana Synod Assembly Minutes
Reports Book
One copy of the Reports Book will be available for each congregation at the registration table . Your pastor or voting members may pick it up then.
Reports Book
Reports Book
Our Sunday morning offering will be going toward ELCA congregations in Puerto Rico. Envelopes were sent with packets to congregations in early April. Or, you may mail your offering to the synod office at 1221 24th St. So., Great Falls, MT 59405-5034, designating "ELCA Puerto Rico Congregations" or bring it with you to the assembly.